I'm using the MPC5744P dev board, and the most updated bootloader version 'MPC5744P_S32DS_UART1_CAN0.rbf'
I succeed to flash an srec file using RAppID BL through CAN protocol. However, the application didn't start. The erase and flashing processes were successful and at the end of programming session, the BL wrote ''start application'' which means that the programming is conducted successfully. The problem seems to be where the start address of the application code is. If so, where should the application code start?
Thank you very much in advance
Please make sure your application project has all the required fields implemented. (See the RappID bootloader user guide / release notes document for more details)
Size Offset Value Description
(bytes) (bytes)
----- ------ ------- -----------
4 0 0x0000005A RCHW
4 4 Address Address of start of application
4 8 Delay Delay in micro seconds before bootloader launches
application on powerup
4 12 Appkey addr The location of application key. The application
key value should be 0x55AA55AA
This block should be placed at an address searchable by bootloader.
Note: For the appkey you should define constant in your app (ideally place it at the end of the flash image - define section .appkey) and pass just address to this constant in the block above.
const volatile uint32_t APPKEY __attribute__ ((section(".appkey"))) = 0x55AA55AA;
Hope it helps.
I made sure about these fields and it didn't work
what are the searchable blocks by the bootloader ?
Could you please send me a srec file??
To start the application, the bootloader expects following boot header information to be present at the start location of any of the small, medium or large blocks other than block occupied by bootloader.
So for MPC5744P you could plce the boot header at address 0x00FA0000.
Attached is adjusted "Hello World" example that could be loaded using RAppID bootloader.
Hope it helps.
Really thank you for your response
but the problem is still the same.
the srec file was flashed successfully and the bootloader started the application. however, the kit didn't respond. the red led shall be on but that didn't happen.
Since you have devkit -> could you possibly try to attach to running target (Hello World project) after you program srec using OpenSDA debugger? this will help to figure out where the execution is.
Go to project Launch configurtation and select "attach to running target" and press debug button.
Once the debugger connection is established, press Suspend/Pause debug button.
Can you send us the screenshot of disassembly when you pause the execution?
Hello Stan, I Hope your day is fine
Here is the disassembly screenshot
it seems that an unhandled exception occurred -> the address space belongs to Boot assist module - rom code executed after reset.
Which DevKit board revision do you use? what is the jumper settings?
I'd suggest you to debug Hello World Rappid project (FYI: it should loads also program the bootloader - just update the absolute path to rbf file)
then put a breakpoint at app _start() and perform reset target from the debugger (see screenshot below)
Now run the execution -> do you hit the breakpoint?
If not, please add read watchpoint to address 0xfa0004 (bootloader rchw block - app entry point) and reset from debugger. Do you hit the watchpoint?
Hi stan
Hope you are well
My Dev board is of revision E.
Jumper settings: debug mode, FAB pin is disconnected
when I put a breakpoint at app _start() and perform reset target from the debugger, I didnot hit the breakpoint. the kit enters signal trap as follows,
when I read a watchpoint to address 0xfa0004, I got the following
then I reset from debugger, I got the following