XDT512 PCB layout: Getting started with hardware

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XDT512 PCB layout: Getting started with hardware

Contributor I
I am designing PCB's for 9s12xdt512 for the first time. I vaguely remember seeing a hardware getting started pdf but havn't been able to find it. Does anyone know of such a pdf.

Alban Edit: FSL Part Number must figure in Message Subject line.

Message Edited by Alban on 2007-08-23 09:17 PM
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NXP Employee
NXP Employee
There is no available app note for the S12XD family (but watch this space).
However, the app note for the S12D family will take you fairly close and AN2615 describes the key differences between the families.
AN2727 covers the S12D in some detail. Notable hardware differences would be:
1/ Oscillator type is Pierce only (two types) on the S12XD
2/ The Reset and Test pins have pulls on the S12XD
3/ Expanded bus is completely redesigned on S12XD
4/ PLL component choice is slightly different - there's a PLL Calculator for this
5/ Pinout will be slightly different - use the S12XD Data sheet
The general guidance around power supplies and minimising power consumption all apply.
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