The following pseudo code summarizes the CRC calculation algorithm:
vCrcReg(vCrcSize - 1 : 0) = vCrcInit; // Initialize the CRC register
// determine if the CRC polynomial has to be applied by taking
// the exclusive OR of the most significant bit of the CRC register
// and the next bit to be fed into the register
vCrcNext = vNextBit EXOR vCrcReg(vCrcSize - 1);
// Shift the CRC register left by one bit
vCrcReg (vCrcSize - 1 : 1) = vCrcReg(vCrcSize - 2 : 0);
vCrcReg(0) = 0;
// Apply the CRC polynomial if necessary
if vCrcNext
vCrcReg(vCrcSize - 1 : 0) = vCrcReg(vCrcSize - 1 : 0) EXOR vCrcPolynomial;
end; // end if
end; // end while loop
parameters to be used in above algorithm
vCrcSize = cHCrcSize; // (= 11) size of the register is 11 bits
vCrcInit = cHCrcInit; // (= 0x1A) initialization vector of header
// CRC
vCrcPolynomial = cHCrcPolynomial; // (= 0x385) hexadecimal representation of
// the header CRC polynomial
Vnext bit is 00000000000100111111
Can any one please help me in calculating this and how to claculate it.
Thanks in advance,
Thanking you,
Alban Edit: Please always include FSL Part Number in Message Subject line.