You should have LTIB supplied by the manufacturer for this board which will have its BSP for Linux kernel, using that you can build your kernel image, root fileystem and bootloader for this board.
Unfortunately the board doesn't come with a CD/DVD that has LTIB (the packing just contained HW Documentation CD). BSP has to be downloaded separately
I am able to boot the dev board just by powering on. For the toolchain I guess need to wait for the BSP media.
A Quick search revelaed following two links which might be helpful for you
MEL Eval (Mentor Embedded Linux)
Linux BSP
These might be helpful.
Thanks. I am able to download and install the system builder on development host.
I have done till "bitbake devel-image" to get the cross-compilation tools. Now, I can see that gcc compiler present in directory "freescale-2011.03/powerpc-linux-gnu/bin/gcc".
But while compiling a simple test program this error is seen -
gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory
How do I use the powerpc compiler? Is there anything to be done as environment setting.