I'm attempting to verify the signal integrity of SATA lines on a board with a P2041. To do this, I intend to activate the BIST on the SATA PHY and take a scope capture of the eye diagram of the BIST signal.
Here's my process so far:
1) Bring the Host controller online by setting the HControl[HC_ON].
2) Force the PHY ready by setting PhyCtrlCfg1[FPRFTI] to b10.
3) Trigger the device to send BIST-L (Far End Retimed Loopback) by setting PhyCtrlCfg1[LBP_EN] to b001.
4) Poll HSTATUS[BE] for 0 ('0' indicates that Host controller is successfully in BIST mode).
I can successfully do steps 1-3, but step 4 never returns a 0. Would anyone be able to help me out?
Thank you!
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