When I set up external ram on the FlexBus using processor expert, processor expert tries to make a copy of the external memory in ram. If I had this much ram available, I wouldn't need to use the FlexBus.
I always need to go into the ProcessorExpert.lcf and remove the references to ram for my project to run. Is there a way around this?
you can disable the generation of the linker file, so you it stays as it is.
See Disable my Code Generation | MCU on Eclipse
I hope this helps.
I was wondering if there is a setting in Processor Expert so it could generate the linker file, but not try to copy the memory into ram.
Please write more deatils on what MCU do you use and how it's connected and configured.
A sample project would be great.
best regards
Petr Hradsky
Processor Expert Support Team