I need to use link SPI with DMA.
I'm novice of PE, and I try to configure DMA and SPI but I don't find the right way to do it.
Please post me some usefull suggestion.....
could you be more specific what for and how do you need to use the SPI ?
What Kinetis derivative are you using ?
best regards
Petr Hradsky
Processor Expert Support and Servicepacks Team
I have to send a array of byte to led matrix using DMA.
The size of the buffer is from 10 up to 1024 byte
I'm working with K20N512VL processor. CW is 10.1
The SPIMaster_LDD component does not support DMA transfer so it's necessary to use peripheral initialization component Init_SPI and a component for setting up DMA transfer. It can be either Init_DMA or DMA_LDD accompanied with DMA_Transfer.
Unfortunatelly, we don't have a specific example for SPI, however, there is an example of DMA configuration in the help of the DMA_Transfer component (use Help on component pop-up menu commend for the component) in the section Typical usage. One of the examples on that page is '2- Memory-to-peripheral device nested transfers...' intended to be used with DAC paripheral.
best regards
Petr Hradsky
Processor Expert Support Team
I am writing to know exactly how the DSPI bean works on the PE for the kinetis family (k53 and K60 to be precise). I have
followed a tutorial from freescale (Freescale Technical Information Center) and got the TX working properly; but I still don't get how TX and RX are set independently if the protocol is achieved by shifting the registers involved in the communication. I did activate the events related to SPI SM1_ReceiveBlock and SM1_SendBlock, but dont know how to syncronize both if I have to receive data while it's transmiting.
I have also tried this on other code:
#define READ_SPI_FLASH_DATA() (unsigned char)SPI2_POPR
#define WAIT_SPI_RECEPTION_END() while (!(SPI2_SR & SPI_SR_RFDF)) {}
#define WRITE_SPI_CMD0_LAST(byte) SPI2_PUSHR = (byte | SPI_PUSHR_EOQ | ulChipSelectLine | SPI_PUSHR_CTAS_CTAR0) // write final byte to output FIFO - this will negate the CS line when complete
WRITE_SPI_CMD0(0xff); // write dummy
while( SPI_SR_EOQF != (SPI2_SR & SPI_SR_EOQF));
SPI2_MCR |= 0xC01; // halt = 1
WAIT_SPI_RECEPTION_END(); // wait until at least one byte is in the receive FIFO
(void)READ_SPI_FLASH_DATA(); // discard
CLEAR_RECEPTION_FLAG(); // clear the receive flag
Please advise me what to do and how to read the RX buffer when transfering data bytes.