此前一直使用镁光的ddr为MT47H128M16RT-25E IT,现更换ddr为紫光SCB18T1G160AF,在通过codewarrior烧录过程中出现如下问题:
Flash driver reports the following error(s): The flash device algorithm was interrupted during execution. Please check if the flash base address is correct or if there are any flash devices mapped inside the selected memory space. If a custom target initialization file was used then check the following parameters: flash base address, flash bank size and flash bank port size. Please enable Verify Target Memory Writes in Target Configuration to check that the algorithm downloads correctly. If you are downloading the algorithm to DDR try checking your DDR configuration.
I assume that you are using CodeWarrior for PA 10.5.1, and you use CodeWarrior initialization file 8309SOM_init_core.tcl, please modify "DDR2 Controller Registers" section in your CodeWarrior initialization file according to the DDR datasheet.
Please refer to
如果您用的是CodeWarrior 8.8, 文件8309SOM_init.cfg也是一样的。