Hi All
We have designed a product using twin PF8200 PMICs with dual Xilinx 7 SoC's and are looking for a command line PMIC programming (preferably) solution for short run Production, say 100 pcs.
Having the PMIC's pre-programmed from the supplier is the end goal, when volumes dictate.
The FlexGUI was used for hardware development however the interface requires user input / control.
Does a tool (NXP) exist for Production programming with a pair of KITPF8200FRDMPGM modules? Any other alternative?
So do you need do OTP by yourself,right?
Thank you for the reply.
Yes we would look to use the KITPF8200FRDMPGM module to perform OTP ICP of the PMIC devices.
Thanks kindly
You can download the FlexGUI tool for assist about do OTP.
There is also user guide for this programmer board.
Thank you, we have the FlexGUI Tool but this is very time consuming to program 100 chips using the GUI.
Is there an SDK for the FlexGUI Tool so this could re-purposed into a command line tool for automated programming?
Thanks kindky
No we don't provide your request SDK,for less chip OTP you can only use this tool.
Could NXP please advise how we can use the FlexGUI to automate our programming?
How do other companies, using an NXP PMIC, program custom configurations on small to medium production runs?
Thanks kindly
Some customers send their requirement OTP file to distributors then order this customization chip directly, some customers do OTP use multi-programmer boards
Great, what are the multi-channel boards? Any links? Any datasheet?
Something similar to this EVB OTP Programming Socket for PMIC Devices | NXP ?
What back-end Windows software does the multi-programmer use? Does it support batch programming as ICP?
Thanks kindly
That's you can use more than one EVBs to do the OTP,also program one by one.