Hi @jinsheng20
S32DS version 3.5 does not have the EmbSys Registers view as older versions.
In this IDE version, you can use the Peripheral Registers, which is a view that provides the structured view of the peripheral registers on the target hardware. If Arm core registers are defined for the target device they are also present in this view. This view is included in the Debug perspective by default. If the view was closed, reopen it from the menu by selecting Window -> Show View -> Other -> Debug -> Peripheral Registers.
Also, there are other views available named Arm System Registers and Registers. The first view provides the structured view of the Arm System registers(if available) of the target hardware. The second view lists information about the registers in a selected stack frame. Values that have changed are highlighted in the Registers view when your program stops. You can use it to look into register details and change register values.
Hi @jinsheng20
The information provided by these views is available in Debug. The data are read from the registers of the RO (read-only) and RW (read-write) types at each debug action like a step, a resume, a stop, or a breakpoint.