For PCF8523, how to calculate backup time when supercap is 0.22F?
I've checked UM10301.pfd, there is a formula to calcuate it, but I don't know
what Vcbackupend is?
Please help to point it out? 1.8v or 1v....
Using C·V = I·t: C⋅(V ) − V Cbackupstart Cbackupend = t backup I RTC
Hello Tomas,
Thanks, one more question for IRTC = 150 nA, it is RTC working current when PM[2:0] = 111, VDD active.
But in a actual case, it should be VDD inactive, VBAT active, PM[2:0] = 000, isn't it?
Hello Tomas,
Sorry to bother you, we met a abnormal case in RTC application.
The reading of control_1 register is 0xFF, but we did not set this register,
do you have a idea, what event will cause the reading of control_1 become 0xFF?
Hi Maxx,
For PCF8523, VCbackupend = 1.0 V.
Then considering VCbackupstart = 3.3 V, IRTC = 150 nA and C = 0.22 F you will get:
tbackup = 0.22 F . (3.3 V - 1.0 V) / 150 nA = 3373333 s
As one day contains 86400 seconds, this corresponds to 39 days.
I hope it helps.
Best regards,