Message Edited by DanielM on 2006-09-19 11:21 AM
DanielM wrote:
I have started working on an unified TBDML which would support all S12, S08 and RS08. However, someone else has developed the OSBDM for Freescale to support the S08 and RS08 and now Freescale are not interested in TBDML for these families. I have therefore shelved the project as I need some support from Freescale to finish it and I am currently not getting any.
I swim to try to find what it is necessary in all these versions of freebdm...
I tested osbdm but that does not work on CW last version and not on S12...
Could you finish this version of the TBDML adapted for S08 and S12 ?
I want use it on 9S08AW and on 9S12XDP512.
I read in this thread that the version with JB16 is not your, I am lost now... Where can we find your (the true one) version ? Know you when it will be available ?
Thank you very much for your work la communauté Francophone
Message Edited by DanielM on 2006-11-21 06:47 PM
Dear Daniel,
I just wanted to confirm that I have been able to reprogram the GT60 on the DLP-RFZ-2 board (I got the IO line to toggle).
I'm just clearing resale permission with the OSBDM group (for the software and firmware).
I'll put an announcement up on the forum when I've added the device to my personal web page. I guess I'll be willing to sell PCBs, kits and assembled items to anyone who can pay me?!? (South African trade and software restrictions notwithstanding).
At this stage I don't intend modifying the hardware, but if I do, I'll be sure to take responsibility - BTW can I ask you to check if the modded firmware (attached) can still program the HC12 MCUs? I don't have any to test against.
I don't know whether you can use your DLLs or if you have to use the OSBDM DLLs...