Message Edited by lemonmeng on 04-15-200603:41 AM
Hi Lemonmeng,
Sometimes the OSBDM seems to get out of whack or confused.
It then reads everthing as 0x00 and presumes it is secured.
I have found the command "Reset to Normal Mode" under the Open Souce BDM menu seems to get things going again.
I have tried using P&E software and a USB Multilink to secure the device then access the device with the OSBDM, it connects and shows 00's in the memory window and you get the error you find. Now running the unsecure cmd file will unsecure it. If its just gone screwy trying to unsecure it won't help.
Now I need to find a way to programme the security and the NV trim registers after I have flashed the device. I have tried modifying the unsecure cmd file but so far without success.
BR Peg
OK I figured it out now, forgot you can only prog a FLASH 1 to 0. duh!
BR Peg