hello nabla69
i looked at this project, but there is only problem for me: SN74LVC1T45. I tried to find it, but in my country it is a really rare part. Some distributor offered me just a packege containing a few thousand parts, it's a little bit much for a poor student like I am. I don't want to bother TI to send me samples of a devices for just one USD. I downoladed datsheet of it and as I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong) it's only a level converter (on BDM signal is BDM_OUT and BDM_IN joined into one and output of SN74... is just through 47ohm resistor driven to BDM connector, the same for RESET), so wouldn't it be possible to omit these parts (and connect BDM_OUT + BDM_IN to BDM connector through that 47ohm resistor) if BDM and target applications will be powered from the same voltage, even may be better to feed it from the same voltage source.
It's just provisory solution to try function of this BDM I expected so long, just until I will not find suitable distributor for SN74... .
So, final question, would it work?
Thank you for your time and attention.