2nd Try: Open Source BDM for S08

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2nd Try: Open Source BDM for S08

Contributor V
Hello Guys,
After a nice wee slap, here is the package again with fixes on what was flagged before.
On behalf of the team, sorry if it didn't meet your expectations... Just trying to help actually :smileysad:
Be certain that there was no intention whatsoever to "steal" or "appropriate" the work from anybody else. Just poor knowledge of OS and GPL rules unfortunately.
The file weights 6MB and is too big for a post. Therefore I sent it to an Admin and it will be located into the 8 bit Community Files area (leave 2 hours after this post time).
It is bigger as information was missing in the previous package.
Feel free to make any observations or to flag any problem again.
Also you are very welcome to bring any improvement to the project and redistribute it ! (In this case, please send a copy to this board).
Finally, we wish to thank posters who flagged the important problems. This is the only way we can improve.
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4 Replies

Contributor II
I have now got the time to test my PCB for the OS BDM. I had to make to changes in the layout (sorry) because the power connections for the level shifters where mistaken, but it seems to work now.
The files are updated on my site http://www.systech-gmbh.ch -> HC(S) System

Saluti joerg
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Contributor I
hello nabla69
i looked at this project, but there is only problem for me: SN74LVC1T45. I tried to find it, but in my country it is a really rare part. Some distributor offered me just a packege containing a few thousand parts, it's a little bit much for a poor student like I am. I don't want to bother TI to send me samples of a devices for just one USD. I downoladed datsheet of it and as I understand (and correct me if I'm wrong) it's only a level converter (on BDM signal is BDM_OUT and BDM_IN joined into one and output of SN74... is just through 47ohm resistor driven to BDM connector, the same for RESET), so wouldn't it be possible to omit these parts (and connect BDM_OUT + BDM_IN to BDM connector through that 47ohm resistor) if BDM and target applications will be powered from the same voltage, even may be better to feed it from the same voltage source.
It's just provisory solution to try function of this BDM I expected so long, just until I will not find suitable distributor for SN74... .

So, final question, would it work?

Thank you for your time and attention.
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Contributor II

Try Farnell ( www.farnell.com ) if you are in a european country. The order number is 9592725 for the SN74LVC1T45DBV. By the way be sure to order the ...DBV type (SOT23/6). I am loking for a alternative and will place this chip on my board. The 5V power of the JB16 make sense, since there will be 5V HCS08s avaiable from freescale.

Saluti joerg

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Contributor II
I have made a layout for the BDM with EAGLE (it is build up, but not tested yet) but if somebody likt to throw a eye on it -> look at:

http://systech-gmbh.ch -> HC(S)08 System

The description is unfinishehd, but should give a idea of the board.

Saluti joerg
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