There is no specific example. Fortunately, it is based on the reading principle of NFC on the reader's side. It would be helpful to refer to the technical data of the Tag of your interest and develop your specific application.
Please refer to the NXP website for more information about the specific Tag in the Documentation section of the product:
NXP Semiconductors | Automotive, Security, IoT
Hello Ivan,
I want to be able to communicate with a Tag on the NFC Forum Type 2 Standard or ISO 14443A.
Firstly I want to communicate with NTAG213 and when this works, I want to use NTAGI2C.
I just Need to read and write pages of an NFC-Tag.
Im using SPI to communicate with my PN512 module.
At the Moment Im using the PNEV512 blueboard, where I connected MISO, MOSI, SCK and CS to my Microcontroller, so the Antenna should be ok.
My Question is: How can I send Messages over the FIFO buffer?
The datasheet says that you have to write your Bytes into the FIFO-Buffer.
You can do this by writing them into the "FIFODataReg"-Register.
To send Data I Need wo write transmit command in CommandReg.
When I want to read page 0 of an NFC-Tag, in example NTAG213, then I Need to Transfer the following Bytes in the correct order:
0x30(Read-command), 0x00(page of Byte), 0xXX , 0xXX CRC(2 Bytes)
When this sequence of Bytes is sent, the Tag should answer with the Bytes, which are in page 0.
Then I can read "FIFODataReg" to read the received Bytes.
But it does not work.
Could you please help me to send Read and Write Commands with the PN512?
I just Need to know how to configure the configuration Registers and know to send what Bytes in the right order.
It would be helpful to refer to the examples available in the NFC Reader Library: