NTAG 5 boost : can we write NDEF message using SRAM pass-through mode?

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NTAG 5 boost : can we write NDEF message using SRAM pass-through mode?

Contributor II

I am currently working on the NTAG 5 boost of NXP and I would like to use the SRAM pass-through mode to transfer data between an NFC interface and an I2C interface. However, I would like to be able to exchange NDEF messages, and from what I understand, these NDEF messages are stored in the EEPROM. My question is: can we exchange NDEF messages using SRAM pass-through mode?

EDIT: From what I have read in this post and in this document, the exchange of NDEF messages is done using the SRAM mirror mode. Can you confirm this? And is the data exchange mechanism described in the AN12364 document equivalent for the mirror SRAM mode than for the pass-through SRAM mode? (use of ED pin for example)

@vicentegomez @IvanRuiz 

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