We are developing a products using ICODE DNA on an embedded Cortex-M4 platform. I have been able to find that datasheet and ICODE Product Comparison documents, but no programming manual. Where can I find such information?
Thank you
According to document Product short data sheet - SL2S6002 ICODE DNA there should exist a document Product data sheet — SL2S6002, ICODE DNA - Document number 3486** that I guess contains some more information.
I'm having troubles finding the document in the Docstore. Can someone please add a screenshot (or path) of where document SL2S6002 with document number 3486** is in the Docstore hirarchy?
** ... document version number
In Docstore you will need to request full access this information is available but maybe you do not have view or download credentials (that you do not see it does not mean it is not there). you can request specifically this in the "My request" tab. I searched for this documents and they are there but you will first have to request them and maybe sign an NDA in case they need it.
If you have any questions please let me know.
There exists two documents AN11808 and AN11807 that is under Non Disclosure Agreement. They contain an example how to communicate with the ICODE DNA tag. I'm currently trying to find out if there are any documents describing the ICODE DNA specific Command Codes, Block addresses, register bit maps, etc
Other than that there are the following ISO documents that might be of interest for you.
Thank you for the response. I'm chasing up the application notes with NXP now.
Hello Scott Thomson, you can create an account and request this information in Docstore.
please request the application notes.
I you have any trouble please let me know.
Have a great day !!