First, about host interface selection in datasheet is written the following:
So, for I2C, l0 should be low and l1 should be high
But, in the PN532 User Manual, is written the following:
PN532 manual indicates otherwise, for I2C l0 should be high and l1 should be low.
So, what are the right connections?
Second, about I2C address in slave mode, in datasheet is written that I2CADR is the register of the slave address, and is written the following:
In that text it seems that the default address is 0x00 and we can change that address but in the PN532 Manual is written the following:
What is the default I2C address?
I am checking internally, please let me get back t you asap.
Any update about this?
Hi Asael Hernandez,
I apologize for a late reply. You should use the information of the Data Sheet to select the Host Interface.
And regarding the I2C Address, in the section of the Data Sheet is stated:
To initiate the Slave receiver mode, I2CADR must be loaded with the 7-bit Slave address to which the I2C interface will respond when addressed by a Master.
Therefore that will be the Slave Address.
Hope this helps.
Best Regards,
Thanks for the answer.
For the I2C address, the address must be loaded, but to load that address I need a starting slave address to communicate with the NFC controller using I2C. The starting address is 0x00, is that correct? or what is the startint address?
That should be the correct way to initialize the I2C mode. For more information please refer to section 8.3.2 of the Data Sheet.