I recently ordered the NHS3100 starter kit and can successfully load and run the temperature logger demo with the Android App. However if I build the SDK example, the app loads and runs fine, but logcat reports any returned messages as unknown. I suspect a build setting.
Any ideas?
I've verified the MCU settings as the NHS3100. I can also directly load and run the original .hex files.
It looks like the compiled code from the SDK generates a different NDEF header. I haven't gone through decoding the NDEF headers yet, but it looks like the bad one creates a very small header and the good one and larger header, but the underlying code puts the message in the same place regardless (where the larger header expects it)
(BAD Header)
Good Header
The first image you posted is displaying the initial NDEF message generated by the NHS3100, with a command sent from the phone to the tag (to set a new configuration, issued on Thursday, September 14, 2017 - the timestamp is in the message) written on top of it. It looks like the NHS3100 did not recognize the write by the tag reader (your phone) into the NFC memory.
Can you share the logcat with us? Also, which project did you build and flash, was it a debug or release configuration, and what were the modifications made? How did you flash the firmware you built? By starting a debug session (.axf file), using the separate LPCXpresso Flash command (.axf file), or using Flash Magic (.hex file)?
You mentioned you also tried the binary images that were pre-built and are present in the SDK. Did you experience any problem running them?
A final consideration: after using Flash Magic, you have to reset the demo PCB manually. This is not done by Flash Magic. Either remove and re-insert the battery, either press the reset button.