I'm using an example project to evaluate an issue I've been having when testing Processor-in-the-Loop for the MPC574xB-C-G dev board. I'm able to generate the code and have it flash the board without issues with the Embedded Coder from Simulink. I ran into an error when RAppID tries to flash the board with the .mot file after starting PIL. It seems like simulink is not generating the .mot file and I can't find the setting(s) I need to change to get it to work.
Testing so far:
Took the example project (gpio_mpc5748g_devkit.mdl) and flashed it with the code generator.
Tried to run SIL and got an error about 'PortableWordSizes' being off. Turned it on and got SIL to run
Tried to run PIL and got an error about a missing .mot file (included screenshots)