Dear All,
I am trying to read raw values from MC33771 by using S32K MBD tools. Values that I took from model does not give me an idea other than sample count especially currrent and coloumb count parameters. I have tried to use datasheet to make them meaningful data bu could not succeed. I have also attached two log ( osc1 - No Current Pass in the pack ; osc2 : 2.1A current pass ) and my model as NXP_RAW.slx.
Any help will be appreaciated.
Hello @ykarata1 ,
I've tried to have a look at your model but I am unable to open it. Can you please send it to me again? You can export it as .mdl and attach it like that.
Now, for your request, I think I understand the issue you are reporting. Basically, if you feed/drain the pack with a constant current, you are expecting that the CCAccumulator/CCSamples to be equal with the current that you are measuring on the Shunt Resistor (Of course, after applying the V2RES and so on).
I will investigate this and will reply with an answer.
Until that, as I've mentioned in our previous thread The BCC MC3377xB is initialized with a configuration, which can be found in the "{MBDT install path}\mbdtbx_s32k\src\BCC_SDK_SW\SDK_SW_Driver\bcc_s32k" in the bcc_initial_configuration.h. Here you can access the initial which are sent to the registers. And the main point of interest for CC is the
Dear @mariuslucianand ,
Thanks for your reply. We could not attach our model as .slx or .mdl since I guess your website does not support. I have exported model as .mdl and just changed the extension to .c from .mdl.
I believe if you can change it again back to .mdl from.c I think it will work. I also have added related project file for FREEMASTER just you to be able to observe it much more easier. (Since .pmpx also is not supported, I have changed its extension to .xlsx as well. I could not attach due to again your attachment policy. If you demand, I can send an email regarding with it.)
I hope you have all related files.