I'm running a clean install of Win7 64 Bit, and CW10 with all patches installed and MQX 3.7. I've tried various install locations. Regardless of what I try, I get the attached Secure Warning when attempting to use the flash debug target with even an empty MQX 3.7 project using the K40 Tower BSP:
The current download operation attempts to modify the Flash Control Field (FCF). Therefore, the target processor may become secured irreversibly. This is often caused by an incorrect Linker Command File that does nor reserve the FCF address range from 0x400 to 0x40f.
Indeed, the LCF for the K40 BSP doesn't seem to reserve this address range.
Are there any known solutions for this problem?
This question has also been posed on the following thread in the Kinetis forum, but there have been no replies:
Brad Hanken
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Brad,
I have a customer experiencing the same warning on a Win7 64-bit and CW10.1. I have a desktop with all that too but don't get the warning and I even used the customer project. So I'm at a loss as to why it is showing up and from where (IDE/debugger firmware/other).
When I look at the s-record, the 0x400-0x410 is configured correctly as it is in the BSP vectors.c file.
The linker is reserving the 0x0 thru 0x410 for vector table plus the 0x10 bytes of flash configuration.
If your srecord (might have to turn on generation of the srecord) has:
It is the last part that is : FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFFFF that is the flash configuration stuff.
Then you are OK to ignore that warning.
Thanks for the link to other forum entry. I see the issue was suggested to be submitted to our technical team to investigate further and will add a link from it to this one.
Thank you very much David for your reply. I'll double-check my S record to verify it looks good and continue. I'll keep an eye on this thread to see what the final resolution ends up being.
Thanks again!