there are functions to access the Ipv4 gateway in RTCS (RTCS_gate_add() ..), but I found no function to get or change the IPv6 (optional RTCS IPv6 stack) gateway address. How can I do this?
Best Regards
Hello Andreas,
IPv6 support is available as a separate update package available from Freescale. Visit Internet Protocol for MQX RTOS TCP/IP Stack|NXP
for information on how to evaluate and purchase.
Have a great day,
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Hello soledad,
we bought "1 Year Support & Maint. Renewal for MQX RTOS, Add-on software, IPv6" 6 month ago. So my question stands, I found no function to get or change the IPv6 (optional RTCS IPv6 stack) gateway address. How can I do this?
Best Regards