I have a DEMOJM board and i'm trying to use MQX on it. In the annex CD-rom i found CodeWarrior V6.1. SInce installing MQX it is not found, i thought it's too old and so i took CodeWarrior v10.0. But creating a new MQX project it is needed to choose the kind of board which you will use. Unluckly DEMOJM is not included in the list. How can I i work with it? And how to flash the board? Can someone explain it step by step? Thank you all.
Hi! I having problems with setting IRQ in DEMOJM MCF51JM128, CW V6.3 and MQX 3.7 like this:
const GPIO_PIN_STRUCT pins_irq[] = { GPIO_SYNC | GPIO_PIN_IRQ_FALLING, GPIO_LIST_END};void fpga_sync_irq(void) { fpga_sync++;}init function:irq_fd = fopen("gpio:input", (char *)&pins_irq);err = ioctl(irq_fd, GPIO_IOCTL_SET_IRQ_FUNCTION, (char_ptr)&fpga_sync_irq);err = ioctl(irq_fd, GPIO_IOCTL_ENABLE_IRQ, NULL);
The interrupt callback works only on rising edge... is it even possible to set callback like this in MCF51JM128 since it has only one IRQ and eight KBI interrupts?
Unluckily my 64-bit notebook does not support cw 6.3. Thank you anyway for answering!
The picture showing the code changes isn't here. Does anyone know what the changes are?