How to do non-blocking reads from serial port

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How to do non-blocking reads from serial port

Contributor I

Our application is structured to send a packet of data and wait for a response. Using blocking reads won't work because if data isn't returned for some reason then the task effectively dead-ends at the read command. How can the port be configured such that reads are non-blocking? Is there some source of MQX serial port usage beyond what is in the IO User's Guide?

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2 Replies

Contributor IV

use fstatus() to check serial port status.


refer to demo.c at Freescale MQX 3.2\demo\telnet_to_serial\demo.c for example.


the code snip is below:


      if (fstatus( serial_fd )) {
         c = fgetc( serial_fd );
         if (c==IO_ERROR)

Hope this helps

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Senior Contributor II

We do this to, what you should do is use itty (interrupt based serial).


What I do is run an ESP 'expect send pairs' type arrangment. This way you can have a dedicated RX_TASK which pass's messages back via a message queue. I have developed a full set of routines which we can quickly put into anything that requires two way comm's which works well.


The core of what you are asking happens here:


inside ESP_Function()...

 //Get start time so we know where we are _time_get(&StartTime);  //DEBUG, Display time. printf("Start Seconds %u MilliSeconds %u \n", StartTime.SECONDS, StartTime.MILLISECONDS);  //Run this until we get a message from the TX routines while(_msgq_peek(ps_User_Comm_ESP->QID_of_TX_Task) == NULL) {  _time_get(&CurrentTime);   _time_diff(&StartTime, &CurrentTime, &TimeDifference);  if((TimeDifference.SECONDS >= ps_User_Comm_ESP->tCommandTimeOut.SECONDS) && (TimeDifference.MILLISECONDS >= ps_User_Comm_ESP->tCommandTimeOut.MILLISECONDS))  {   //DEBUG printf("Timer Experied in ESP while waiting for message from TX queue\n");   return ESPR_Timeout;  } }  //DEBUG, Display time it took to get message.  printf("Time Taken = %u.%u Seconds \n", TimeDifference.SECONDS, TimeDifference.MILLISECONDS);  //Get the message that we recieved (from above peek) msg_ptr = _msgq_receive(ps_User_Comm_ESP->QID_of_TX_Task, 0);




Obviously this is only the part of the code which allows you to create your little timeout / error / ok messages.


Hope this gives you some ideas to move forward

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