Hi erverybody,
I was suing the MK60D100M Board, the software is based on the MQX4.1. In my project, we need reache the Board's web server thorgh the host name, not the Board's IP address. I found the link Re: How do you make a web server reachable through DNS (by name, not IP) and add the host name succefully, but it can't reache the webserver. I ask the FAE in china, they told me that I have to implement the DNS server function in mu Board, but I know that the MQX only has DNS client API. So my question is how I can implemnt the DNS server function ?
Hi, Jack, I think you can try to modify hosts name file(s) at local client side.
The location of the hosts file in the file system hierarchy varies by operating system. It is usually named “hosts”, without an extension.
On windows it is at: c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
On linux it is at: /etc/hosts