Is there any demo for mpc5748g receive demo for using S32 Design Studio IDE?
In the MPC5 software example list I can't find mpc5748g FlexCAN1 receive demos.
Thank you very much.
I wrote the project about mpc5748g receive demo for using S32 Design Studio IDE,but FlexCAN 1 cannot entry interrupt(LED4 not light),I used P-CAN view to tansfer a message (ID==0XF4,Baud rate =500K ).
Is there any problems in my project?
Original Attachment has been moved to: RMU_Project.rar
b55689 I have solved the problem,thank you
I have a problem
Every time I debug the 5748 board, the program will automatically enter a dummy interrupt and then enter the CAN1 interrupt. Why is this?
it is possible that there is another interrupt enabled and there is not appropriate interrupt handler created for this interrupt, so it jumps into dummy function.
Could you please share the project you debug? I would like to test it on my side.
there is complex example for MPC5775K in the software example list. This could be also used for MPC5748G with some small changes. But if you want example directly for MPC5748G, please give me some time and I will create you one.
OK , I am waiting for MPC5748G FlexCAN1 ISR example.
Thank you very much , Martin Kovar.
here you can find the promised example:
Example MPC5748G-FlexCAN_with_interrupts S32DS
If you have any other questions, please feel free to write back.
Example MPC5748G-FlexCAN_with_interrupts S32DS is similar with MPC5775K CAN ISR,and it does not run propely in my EVB board:can not entry interrupt.
Is there any problem in the code?
I have tested the example and it definitely works correct. Have you correctly connect both CAN transceivers? You have to connect CANH pins on P14 and P15 headers and CANL pins on the same headers.
Yes,I corrceted but still have problems. At last I wrote a project about FlexCAN ISR,it still doesn't work:can't entry CAN interrupt.Is there any problems in my code?
I quickly checked your code and I do not see any INTC.PSR register configuration. Also I do not see MB0 initialization. Your MB0 has status RX:Inactive and with this status is cannot receive any message.
If you have MPC574XG motherboard, load the code from my project and connect CANH and CANL pins on the motherboard and it must work.
I connected the H-H,L-L.But your project can not download to MCU,the problem is PE-ERROR.
I used PE not lauterbach debugger.Is this problem?
Or you can build the project including z0,z4_0,z4_1.
it is not problem. It has to work with PE too. From your screen, it could be the known issue with reset delay. Open debug configuration for your project and set Delay after reset for 250ms in Debugger tab (see figure below).
Hope it helped. If not, please write me back.
I praise you so hard.You are very great!!!