We have used two MPC5777C Microcontrollers for testing of serial communication between two Microcontrollers in which we have configured DSPI_A in first Microcontroller as master and DSPI_A in second Microcontroller as slave. Can we configure PCSB0 pin as slave select in second Microcontroller and use it as slave select for DSPI_A in second Microcontroller since PCSA0 pin in second Microcontroller is not connected to any peripheral chip selects pins of DSPI in first Microcontroller.
Hi, I don't think so.
You can use PCSB0 as PCSD2 but it'll not help you anyway. Or you could use PCSB1 as PCSD0, but still other signals may not be available. I don't know how your design is routed and whether you are able to perform any workaround or re-design is necessary.
Yes, you can if it is OK to have master on the other side (as thus communication initiated by second side).