the possible reasons are:
1. You added files to project after compilation
2. you did not compiled it with debug info
3. there is only binary for that SD library.
can you find that function in your project?
Can I understand that some configuration files are missing in my project?
That is possible, however I am not able to confirm.
But since you have binary in your code, you are either missing debug information or you did not compiled the project correctly.
hi Peter
I have the same problem,basing on the example of freeRTOS(SDK 3.0) for MPC5748G,I add some functions
for CAN bus.
1,the compiling is success;
2,elf file is generated;
3,in debug mode, after initializing clock,flexcan,then I want to install one callback function for FlexCAN,
after entering into FLEXCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback,at the end of this function,some error happened.
void FLEXCAN_DRV_InstallEventCallback(uint8_t instance,
flexcan_callback_t callback,
void *callbackParam)
flexcan_state_t * state = g_flexcanStatePtr[instance];
state->callback = callback;
state->callbackParam = callbackParam;
the error is "No source available for "uSDHC_DriverIRQHandler() at 0x1002bc8" ", do you have any sollution?
thank you.
If you don't use an operating system, can CAN work properly?
I would like to ask you which function you blocked
Hi, friend
Can you tell me how you solved this problem?
can you please show how did you increase it?
My issue fixed after increasing heap/stack size.
Thanks for community!
I modified these two places and found it still not working.
I suggest you can take a look at this article, it may be helpful to you.
the user interrupt table is used in this demo.I checked in PE for FreeRTOS, there is no place for ISR, only see the collum for hook to enable or disable.
in interrupt manager(processor expert),it seems I can't change anything. as you mentioned,if all the ISR should go through OS,
may you pls give some more comments or some detailed introduction is preffered.
thank you
Does this require us to manually modify the OS takeover interrupt