Hi all,
I've met a problem that the MPC5748G can be detected and initalized by PROGPPCNEXUS through Multilink. But if show module, the content is all XX. Erase and Program do not work.
How can I locate the root cause?
Here is what PE page says about it.
Note, with Multilink Universal FX there is a bug where if you try using show module command and you try accessing memory with ECC errors, then you will see lots of XX or UU in the memory window.
Can you connect with another debug device for example Lauterbach, PLS, iSystem, GHS,etc... ?
I think the best way would be to contact PE for help here.
What also comes to my mind is that you have secure sample with HSM FW active.
In any case your PE is not able to read memory, either because the access is denied or there are ECC errors.
Best regards,
When I use S32DS IDE to debug the processor.
It reports : Error : Error in ONCE status register during instruction execution.