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Contributor II

Hello everyone, I am a user of MPC5125 processor.
Recently I encountered a difficulty. A previously developed product used the MPC5125 processor and set its PSC module to SPI mode. We developed the driver based on the official manual of MPC5125, but the SPI transmission task uses polling mode. Recently, application developers have reported that the polling mode of SPI consumes a lot of CPU resources, so they hope to convert SPI from polling mode to interrupt mode.
However, after consulting the manual of MPC5125, I found that the relevant registers of the PSC module do not seem to have corresponding registers in SPI mode that can be used to configure the interrupt trigger mode (only a few interrupts generated by transmission errors were found in the interrupt status register).
Therefore, I want to confirm whether data transmission in interrupt mode cannot be implemented when the PSC module is configured in SPI mode. If it can be configured in interrupt transfer mode, can you give me a demo?
Looking forward to your answers, thank you very much!

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