I have been able to establish TCP/IP communication from MPC5748G GW board (DoIP) to other device via ethernet port. However, demo application that I used is from RTM1.0.0 for S32 Design studio 2017. I would like to use it in S32DS PA1.2 with RTM3.0.0. I think there is a huge repository difference but I am not sure whether is it possible to use or not. Could you please guide if its possible? In case, there are any demo apps for LWIP in RTM3.0.0 using MPC5748G, it will be helpful.
it's always highly recommended to use the latest RTM version. There are two demo applications:
Description can be found in the user manual:
See sections:
14.3.7 lwIP TCP/IP stack
14.3.12 USB CDC LWIP MPC5748G
Notice that you need device with HSM firmware for the first example (it's also mentioned in the manual). HSM firmware is not present in standard devices, you need to explicitly request it at your local sales office if needed.
Hi Thanks for your reply. I have tried the examples from the RTM3.0.3 as you suggested. For the First example, I disabled SSL (wolf SSL) as no requirement of HSM at the moment. However, TCP IP SOCKET API application gets stuck during lwip_connect(s, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) in socket_example_test. Please find the attached image where it gets stuck.
I am using local NXP board static ip : (Subnet GW10.10.7.1 as my other device running server on same subnet (with ip
I am using NXP's MPC5748G-GW board (not DEVKIT). However, I have modified the pinMUX configuration, middleware patch as suggested in earlier release for target board ENET1 requirement. (using DoIP port)
Could you please help me with above mentioned issue? Please find attached image pointing the location where it gets stuck and doesn't come out. I am not sure whether its middleware issue or configuration issue.
Thanks in advance.
there is a clue that is related to lock_tcpip_core mutex used in LOCK_TCPIP_CORE() function.
Please check how that mutex is used in the application.