Data transfer modes are described in the chapter of the MPC5748G Reference Manual. As mentioned there, how to configure one of these modes, such as SD 4-bit? There is not related function to configure it directly.
Precondition: MPC5748G, S32DS for PA2.1, SDK PA RTM v3.0.0, freeRTOS.
there's function uSDHC_DRV_SetDataBusWidth() which configures DTW bit field in uSDHC_PROT_CTRL register.
Hi, Lukas:
Funtion uSDHC_DRV_SetDataBusWidth() just sets the buswidth, cannot judge the data transfer mode.
take 4-bit for example, after using function uSDHC_DRV_SetDataBusWidth(INST_USDHC1, uSDHC_DATA_BUS_WIDTH_4BIT), which the data transfer mode of the uSDHC works on? SD 4-bit or MMC 4-bit ?
it is up to the driver to recognize which card is connected. It's not necessary to do this manually by user.
Hi, Lukas:
Thank you for your advice, but I have another question as follows:
If the MCU is connected to an external SD I/O card instead of an SD card or MMC card, in order to initialize the uSDHC module, which of the following two options should I choose?
1. use the function uSDHC_Init() defined in the file "usdhc_impl.c".
2. directly use a few simple library fucntions defined in the file "usdhc_driver.h", such as uSDHC_DRV_Init(), uSDHC_DRV_InstallCallback(), uSDHC_DRV_SetBusClock(), uSDHC_DRV_SetDataBusWidth().
PS: precontion:S32_SDK_S32PA_RTM_3.0.0.
BR, shingo