I'm using MPC5744p microcontroller, I succeeded to generate a reset from the FCCU module.
Now I'm expecting that either the Flag for FCCU soft reaction flag or the Flag for FCCU hard reaction reset flag, in the Functional' Event Status Register - RGM module, comes to high after reset the controller. However, this didn't happen. the only flag that gets raised to high was self test completed flag after the reset.
I don't know why this happened
Thank you
If you do not see FCCU flag in RGM module FES/DES registers, then FCCU didnt trigger reset.
For such you have to have FCCU fault enabled in FCCU_NCF_Ex registers and have set reset as reaction on fault in FCCU_NCFS_CFGn.
For more details on how FCCU works I recommend you to have a look at :
best regards,