In the A core of IMX93,
As per given in power measurement doc(AN13917) followed steps given in section 6.7.9,
1)Boot the Linux image with imx93-11x11-evk-DSM.dtb.
2) echo mem > /sys/power/state
3) Measure the power and record the results
while measuring power,
vdd_soc is showing 15mA and 9.36mW and GROUP_SOC_FULL is 25mW avg but as per power measurement doc GROUP_SOC_FULL should be 7.56mW.
I want to take GROUP_SOC_FULL as much down as possilble, What I can do to achive GROUP_SOC_FULL as 7.56mW?
#imx93 #imx
Hello @dhruvinrajpura
Could you please tell me what BSP version are you using? Also, your SOM version.
Best regards,