I am trying to port a KDS3.X/SDK2.X K64 project to MCUXpresso 10.3.X and SDK 2.5.
I noticed the device drivers have been changed on many peripherals, quite a few device driver APIs used in my project's APP need to be updated to the latest device drivers, mainly API naming.
I have done all that, then find out UART related APIs are not working properly. I am using an UART port for a terminal interface application.
I can use a UART directly with UART_Init(_UART, &config, CLOCK_GetFreq(_UART_CLK_SRC)), and
UART_WriteBlocking(_UART, txbuff, sizeof(txbuff) - 1)
But I cannot use:
DbgConsole_Init((uint8_t )_UART, 115200, DEBUG_CONSOLE_DEVICE_TYPE_UART, CLOCK_GetBusClkFreq());
and printf().
Shown in above screenshot, if I un-define DEBUG_CONSOLE_UART, the code can be stepped to API function
UART_WriteBlocking(_UART, txbuff, sizeof(txbuff) - 1) without any issue, but I do not want to do that since I have to create my only printf/scanf.
If I define DEBUG_CONSOLE_UART as shown in the above screenshot, when I stepped into line 96:
UART_EnableInterrupts(_UART, kUART_RxDataRegFullInterruptEnable | kUART_RxOverrunInterruptEnable);
it will generate a hard fault. I have used BDM to check both base and mask information is correctly pass to the function, and I have no clue why a hard fault will be generated right at the cursor highlight line.
I was thinking that may be related to how the project was created with different configurations, library files. After tried to create a few test projects with different configurations I still have the same issue.
Here is one of my project settings:
1. Project created.
2. Configuration (I almost tried all of the library files)
I am wondering if somebody else has seen this problem as well.
Just confirmed with a test code, the first passing parameter is the index number of the UART.
But I have to use PRINTF not printf, will work on that.
Hi Daniel,
I just noticed that the first passing parameter in the function DbgConsole_Init() has been changed as Daniel pointed out. I am wondering what is the parameter "instance", and wondering if it is the UART #, but I cannot find any example in SDK_2.5.0_TWR-K64F120M\boards\twrk64f120m\driver_examples\uart, using the function.
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t baudRate, uint8_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint8_t instance, uint32_t baudRate, serial_port_type_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
It is kind of inconsistent to update the device driver with the same name but change to different parameters.
Please also refer to the uart demo.
Hi Zhiqun:
The reason of the hard fault maybe because the uart clock is not enabled, could you please check with it?
I would suggest you step into the DbgConsole_Init. The implementation of DbgConsole_Init in SDK2.5 is totally different from your old sdk. I am assuming you are using SDK 2.2 or 2.3.
The old implementation is :
/* See fsl_debug_console.h for documentation of this function. */
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t baudRate, uint8_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
if (s_debugConsole.type != DEBUG_CONSOLE_DEVICE_TYPE_NONE)
return kStatus_Fail;
/* Set debug console to initialized to avoid duplicated initialized operation. */
s_debugConsole.type = device;
/* Switch between different device. */
switch (device)
In SDK 2.5,
/* See fsl_debug_console.h for documentation of this function. */
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint8_t instance, uint32_t baudRate, serial_port_type_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
serial_manager_config_t serialConfig;
status_t status = kStatus_SerialManager_Error;
serial_port_uart_config_t uartConfig = {
.instance = instance,
.clockRate = clkSrcFreq,
.baudRate = baudRate,
.parityMode = kSerialManager_UartParityDisabled,
.stopBitCount = kSerialManager_UartOneStopBit,
.enableRx = 1,
.enableTx = 1,
serial_port_usb_cdc_config_t usbCdcConfig = {
.controllerIndex = (serial_port_usb_cdc_controller_index_t)instance,
The input parameter is different,
In sdk2.2
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t baudRate, uint8_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
In sdk 2.5
/* See fsl_debug_console.h for documentation of this function. */
status_t DbgConsole_Init(uint8_t instance, uint32_t baudRate, serial_port_type_t device, uint32_t clkSrcFreq)
I hope it helps