Hi Sir,
I am using NHS3100 kit and developped something based on the SDK project "app_demo_dp_tlogger".
I want to config the resolution of the temperature sensor to test and verify it.
I read the NHS3100 data sheet and user manual.
As my understanding, If I set the resolution(bit) to "TSEN_9BITS = 4, /*!< 9 bits resolution */", the resolution (℃) should be ±0.2℃. That is, the temperature will be a multiplier of 0.2.
It looks like the function "Chip_TSen_SetResolution" can use to config the resulution(bit).
I tried to modified the code and the code snippet is below:
--- original code snippet --
int TMeas_Measure(TSEN_RESOLUTION_T resolution, TMEAS_FORMAT_T format, bool synchronous, uint32_t context)
Chip_TSen_SetResolution(NSS_TSEN, resolution);
-- modified code snippet ---
int TMeas_Measure(TSEN_RESOLUTION_T resolution, TMEAS_FORMAT_T format, bool synchronous, uint32_t context)
Chip_TSen_SetResolution(NSS_TSEN, TSEN_9BITS);
I build, run the program to test but it looks the new resolution didn't work.
From my observation from the tlogger app (the status screen will show "Current temperature:"), the temperature was always a multiplier of 0.1, instead of 0.2.
I am confused.
Anyone can help to review if anything wrong?
Many thanks,
Hi Kan,
I just force to change resolution "TSEN_9BITS" and check SP0 register which did change to 100b(9-bit mode).
But the same phenomenon was observed as my previous comment.
I use my mobile phone running the android app tlogger to tag the NHS3100 device and observe. But the status screen "Current temperature:" (or "Live temperature:") of the tlogger show the temperature was always a multiplier of 0.1, instead of 0.2.
--- my test code snippet --- forcing resolution to TSEN_9BITS = 4, /*!< 9 bits resolution */
/* Set the resolution for the Temperature Sensor */
void Chip_TSen_SetResolution(NSS_TSEN_T *pTSen, TSEN_RESOLUTION_T resolution)
// printf("Chip_TSen_SetResolution %d\r\n", resolution);
resolution = TSEN_9BITS;
pTSen->SP0 = (pTSen->SP0 & (~(0x7u << 1))) | ((resolution & 0x7u) << 1);
// printf("Chip_TSen_SetResolution forcing to change %d\r\n", resolution);
I am very confused why the resolution didn't take effect?
Could you review if anything wrong?
Thanks a lot.
Hi Kan,
Thank you for your reply.
I run the "app_demo_dp_tlogger" with LPCXpresso IDE connected the NHS3100 board.
Then I use my mobile phone running the android app tlogger to tag the NHS3100 device and observe. But the status screen "Current temperature:" (or "Live temperature:") of the tlogger show the temperature was always a multiplier of 0.1, instead of 0.2.
Is it the proper test way?
I didn't checked the content in SP0.
How to verify if the data changed based the new resolution correctly?
Hi Arna,
(1) Yes, I think it is right.
(2) check the register address as below:
Best Regards,
Hi Arna,
Did you run the application with a debugger? Have you checked the content in SP0 after you found the tlogger app still showed a data of a multiplier of 0.1? Please kindly clarify.
Thanks for your patience!
Best Regards,