I need to be able to debug code running in SDRAM. I built and linked the code for SDRAM, but the debug configuration needs to initialize the SDRAM before loading the code into it. I looked in the MCUXpresso <install dir>/ide/binaries/Scripts but can't find a script to use to initialize the SDRAM on the board so I can debug in SDRAM? Is there a script available that someone could point me to?
Please refer this AN "SDRAM Code Execution in LPC5460x". It's also for LPC54018
Hope this helps.
Jun Zhang
Thanks but AN12423 doesn't have an SDRAM initialization script for debugging in SDRAM using the MCUXpresso IDE. Surley this is a common request from developers using either the LPC54S018M-EVK or the LPC54S018-EVK boards? It's hard to beleive that NXP doesn't have an SDRAM initialization script for debugging software from SDRAM on these boards since they were made for development?
No, we don't have such a script.
The boot ROM facilitates loading images into on-chip SRAM and provides from external memory (internal serial flash, Nor Flash, spi norflash, etc). this is done in boot rom already.
For more, see LPC54S018M UM.
Jun Zhang
See this:
This is the same thing I would like to do except with the LPC54S018-EVK or LPC54S018M-EVK. It seems if this is possible with the MIMXRT1050-EVK it should be possible with the LPC54S018(M)-EVK?
NO. we don't have same script for LPC54S018(M)-EVK