Hi. I have a huge keil projectfor lpc1769 custom board and I switch my ide keil to MCUxpresso.My project have a 4 seperate source folder, startup folder, CMSIS and driver library folder. ı crete new project on mcuxpresso and copy paste all folders to the project but this gives 500 errors. Generaly bad instruction error . I includue all source folder in project properties/c c++ buil / setting / includudes.
How can ı import this project ?
My keil project has a lot of .s files. ı cant find how to make equivalent files for GNU of .s files and other files that i dont know. And i think that project need to makefiles and linker script how can ı generate this files ?
Keil is using non-GNU assembler syntax.
It looks like you still have Keil assembly in your project:
You need to port that or use equivalent files for GNU.