I posted a comment to the following post but it does not show up in the community activity so I am posting a question.
I have tried to follow the steps in the linked post and I am unable to get the SEMC memory validation to work. I am using the mimxrt1060-evk and the on-board cmsis-dap. My SDK version is 2.8.6 and MCUxpresso is 11.4.1.
I'm also using the evkmimxrt1060_semc sdk project as shown in the example.
I tested the arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe to make sure it finds the python27.dll. It does however I get the exact same error as @xiaoli_ji shown below when I run "arm-none-eabi-gdb-py.exe" from command line. I assumed this was because I didn't give it any arguments so figured the utility is working.
When I click "Start Validation", the Summary window shows result as Queued and the Test Results box in the Results window is blinking. The Logs do not show any activity even if I change the log level to DEBUG.
Eventually I get this message: "Connection timed-out!"
Hello CraigCo,
I followed the same guide and received pretty the same error message. I got one step further, see the attached screenshot.
The solution was to install 32-bit Python 2.7, which the referenced guide is missing unfortunately.
My problem now is that there is no selectable connection in the varification tool, but this is another story as it seems.
Is there any news on this issue?
Hi @CraigCo ,
I got feedback from software team.
Unfortunately, in this moment we can’t resolve this issue for V12 release (July). The plan is to resume the work on this tool, after v12 release.