I want to flash both yocto rootfs.bz.wic and flash.bin from cortex-m4 image using UUU tool.
I followed following steps to flash
1. downloaded imx-mkimage tool
2. m4 demo application binary copied to iMX8QM folder and downloaded some firmware
3. copied u-boot-spl.bin from yocto framework
4. make SOC=iMX8QM flash_linux_m4
flash.bin is generated
emmc_all flash.bin rootf.bz.wic(from yocto framework)
cortex-A53 u-boot-spl is booting and m4 is printing, but linux is not booting.
Please see attached logs for the same
Please let me know, do i need to build rootfs in imx-mkimage tool? let me know the procedure
Thanks and Regards,
Subramanya N M
PFA logs
Hi Subramanya
one can try to follow procedure described on :
Best regards
Hi Igor,
I followed above methods provided link, but i am not able to boot both cortex-A53.
Is der any other methods to flash m4 image and cortex-A53 to emmc?
Hi Igor,
I tried with above methods and I made small changes in soc.mak file in iMX8QM of imx_mkimage tool as shown
flash_linux_m4: $(MKIMG) mx8qm_ahab_container.img scfw_tcm.bin u_boot_spl.bin m4_image.bin u_boot_atf_container.img
./$(MKIMG) _soc QM _rev B0 _dcd skip _append mx8qm_ahab_container.img _c _flags 0x00200000 _scfw scfw_tcm.bin _ap u_boot_spl.bin a53 0x00100000 _ap imx8qmmek_20210112135155.rootfs.wic.bz2 a53 0x00200000 _p3 _m4 m4_image.bin 0 0x34FE0000 _out flash.bin
cp flash.bin boot_spl_container.img
@flashbin_size=`wc _c flash.bin | awk '{print $$1}'`; \
pad_cnt=$$(((flashbin_size + 0x400 - 1) / 0x400)); \
echo "append u_boot_atf_container.img at $$pad_cnt KB"; \
dd if=u-boot_atf_container.img of=flash.bin bs=1K seek=$$pad_cnt;
I added _ap imx8qmmek-20210112135155.rootfs.wic.bz2 a53 0x00200000(memory location not confirmed) in soc.mak file to build u-boot_spl.bin and rootfs from yocto tmp/deploy/images/..., by this i am able to generate 1 flash.bin which contains m4, u-boot_spl and rootfs(u_boot.bin, kernel and rootfs).
make SOC=iMX8QM flash_linux_m4
generates flash.bin file
next using UUU tool I flashed to emmc as follows
UUU emmc flash.bin --->file size too large error for flash.bin
UUU emmc_all flash.bin rootfs.wic.bz2 ---->file size too large error for flash.bin
Please find below logs
Error: flash size is too large
Please find the attached logs for the same.
Please let me know how to solve this issue
Thanks and Regards
Subramanya N M
Please let me the solution for the above issue.
I am waiting for your reply
Thanks and Regards,
Subramanya N M