Recently (? - maybe it depends on the touched fie) it happens that if I change only a single .c file the IDE decides it has to trigger the recompile 20 or 30 or more files and not just the one (+ maybe the very few affected by vesion.h).
This is very annoing during debugging/development as it slows me down.
Is there there way to find out which file/code change(s) make the builder think he needs to create this bunch of files to rebuild list ? Is there some kind of log file or output that could be monitored?
Could a define with the same name as in a.h be the the issue? Normally I would think only .h files touching triggers several .c file to be rebuild...
Note: Build console list
make -r -j12 all
make --no-print-directory pre-build
Ist there some vebose log file of the make available or can be demanded via the command line?
In the screenshot you attached, there's also the Refresh Policy tab. What I've seen in the past is that an incorrect folder specified in the "Refresh Policy" ends-up triggering a rebuild. So make sure your project name appears under Refresh Policy. You'll have to delete and add the real name of your project to fix this. Hopefully, once you do this, you should see incremental builder fully functional.
Hello @_ThomasLorenz_
"Clean" means clean all the compiles object, re-build all the files again.
It seems if checked the project appears in the clean project selection dialog - if not a clean project is not possible. So not my issue...
If I check the makefile I only see which subdirectories to handle. Each Subdir then has its own makefile subdir.mk with the call for each seperate file.
The question still is WHY the system decides to compile the files despite nothing has changed (I do a compare by content and date and see no differences).
What does the .PHONY line mean - is the all clean maybe an issue??
.PHONY: all clean dependents main-build pre-build post-build
If a file is in subdir.mk - is the check for changes done in that line while calling the compiler or was a need to recompile detected while generating the file?
e.g. this entry
# Each subdirectory must supply rules for building sources it contributes
source/sys_param_db/anybus_table.o: D:/UKDrives3/DNR/code/devWorkspace/rootDev/source/sys_param_db/anybus_table.c
@echo 'Building file: $<'
@echo 'Invoking: MCU C Compiler'
arm-none-eabi-gcc -std=gnu11 -D__MCUXPRESSO -D__USE_CMSIS -DCPU_ARM_CORTEX -DCPU_MIMXRT1061DVL6A -DCR_INTEGER_PRINTF -DFSL_FEATURE_PHYKSZ8081_USE_RMII50M_MODE -DFSL_RTOS_FREE_RTOS -DFSL_SDK_ENABLE_DRIVER_CACHE_CONTROL=1 -DHTTPSRV_CFG_WEBSOCKET_ENABLED=1 -DPRINTF_ADVANCED_ENABLE=1 -DPRINTF_FLOAT_ENABLE=0 -DSCANF_ADVANCED_ENABLE=0 -DSCANF_FLOAT_ENABLE=0 -DUSE_RTOS=1 -DXIP_BOOT_HEADER_DCD_ENABLE=1 -DXIP_BOOT_HEADER_ENABLE=1 -DXIP_EXTERNAL_FLASH=1 -DSDK_DEBUGCONSOLE=0 -D__NEWLIB__ -D_t_F2_PCB=1 -DSTACK_AC10=1 -DBOARD_SD_SUPPORT_180V=0 -DNDEBUG -D_DEVELOPMENT=2 -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\amazon-freertos" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2\board" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\CMSIS" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2\device" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2\drivers" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\fatfs\fatfs_include" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\fatfs" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\rtcesl\gflib" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\rtcesl\mlib" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\sdmmc\inc" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\sdmmc\port" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\source\services" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\source" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2\startup" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDev\utilities" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\rootDevF2\xip" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\amazon-freertos\freertos_kernel\include" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\amazon-freertos\freertos_kernel\portable\GCC\ARM_CM4F" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\lwip" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\lwip\port" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\lwip\src\include" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus\abcc_abp" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus\abcc_adapt" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus\abcc_drv\inc" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus\abcc_obj" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\anybus\abcc_obj\nw_obj" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\profinet" -I"D:\UKDrives3\DNR\code\devWorkspace\ethernet-ip" -Os -fno-common -g3 -Wall -c -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -ffreestanding -fno-builtin -fsingle-precision-constant -fmacro-prefix-map="../$(@D)/"=. -mcpu=cortex-m7 -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16 -mfloat-abi=hard -mthumb -D__NEWLIB__ -fstack-usage -MMD -MP -MF"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.o)" -MT"$(@:%.o=%.d)" -o "$@" "$<"
@echo 'Finished building: $<'
Hello @_ThomasLorenz_
Maybe the change impact other files. You can find all the files compiled in Console view. I have a tested with SDK demo, only add a variable on hello_world.c file. From the log it only compiles this file:
And you can find the makefile under Debug folder: