Hi, I'm making a booting image for lx2160ardb-rev2. and I want to use "lf-5.15.y-rt branch" in github.nxp-qoriq/linux for linux kernel.
Is it OK to modify linux-qoriq_6.1.bb?
I modified LINUX_VERSION, KERNEL_BRANCH, SRCREV variables to be about "lf-5.15.y-rt" kernel branch, (e.g. KERNEL_BRANCH ?= "lf-6.1.y" -> KERNEL_BRANCH ?= "lf-5.15.y-rt")
and I ran " $ bitbake linux-qoriq "
Is there some problems related to my modifying?
Is there need to modifying some other recipes? (e.g. related to U-boot, RCW, rootfs etc..)
cf) I referred to LLDP user guide rev. L6.1.22_2.0.0 - (27 July 2023) for my setup.
and I downloaded nxp-qoriq/yocto-sdk "mickledore" branch
You could use LLDPUG_RevL5.15.71-2.2.0 directly.
$ repo init -u https://github.com/nxp-qoriq/yocto-sdk -b kirkstone -m ls-5.15.71-2.2.0_distro.xml
$ repo sync