For the QE in Layerscape processors to work it is needed to upload the QE firmware in every boot. I believe that u-boot should do it.
I was checking the u-boot code used by the Layerscape SDK GitHub - qoriq-open-source/u-boot and I see some signs that there are some support (like existence of CONFIG_SYS_QE_FW_IN_XXX defines) but then I don't see the u-boot QE drivers being used (no Kconfig in u-boot/drivers/qe).
I know that QE drivers have code to upload the firmware to the QE but first the u-boot needs to load the QE firmware to memory so then it can be uploaded by the QE drivers. Is this mechanism already present on the u-boot code?
How is the QE microcode loaded to LS1043 or LS1021? Isn't this setup yet on the SDK?
Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,
Please refer to the LSDK Documentation at:
The flash firmware offsets:
Thank you ufedor for your answer.
Please note that my goal is to use the QE on a TQ module TQMLS1021A and since TQ BSP doesn't include QE support I'm planning to port the QE support from the NXP Layerscape SDK.
From your answer I'm assuming that the QE firmware are included on the board pre-built binary images. After loading that we will have the firmware on a specific address or SD location as shown on the SDK Flash Layout table.
From what I saw on the SDK source code, if CONFIG_U_QE is set the uQE firmware will then be loaded by the u-boot when the board_init() is called.
I have some questions:
Thank you in advance for your time.
Best regards,