In LS1043A, GPIO muxed signals really confusing me a lot. At earlier stage of design i shared a Muxed signals list which i'm going to use in my system NXP engineers verified it and said MUX selction is correct. But later when i asked the similar doubt whether SPI remaining chip select pins can be used as GPIO, they said we cannot use it as GPIO.
My First query on MUX signals in below link,
query on SPI Chip select in below link,
Kindly if you provide me the document or any support with List of available GPIOs (remaining GPIOs) in LS1043A when particular interfaces are used. so that we can design accordingly.
To verify pin multiplexing, we offer Pinmux tool. This tool is a part of our CodeWarrior ARM v8 software.
Have a great day,
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Thanks for your help.
I have downloaded the tool, but could not identify where it is. Could you please help me where to find the Pin Mux inside CoreWarrior?
Could you give me the path?
1. Please run "CodeWarrior for ARMv8"
2. Please create new "QorIQ Configuration Project" selecting necessary processor and enabling "Pin Muxing Configuration"
3. Please see "PinMux1" component in components window.