I use a LS1021ATSN-PA with the provided OpenIL 1.3.1 from NxP website.
I need to develop application on it, and in particular I need to develop Xenomai applications which is provided.
The problem is that this image doesn't include a compiler toolchain (gcc, make...) neither a package installer tool.
I have installed a linaro cross compilation tool chain, but unfortunately it is complex to cross compile xenomai, so I am asking if someone can tell me how the OpenIL image has been build or how to install gcc (and all the lib) on the LS1021A ATSN-PA.
I have read carefully the OpenIL 1.3.1 (OPEN-LINUX-IND-UM-1-3-1.pdf) but it doesn't give information about the compilation chain : this document implicitly suppose a native OpenIL compilation since it says to do "git clone" and then "make"....
Thank you very much for your help,
Best regards,
Please download the latest Openil source code as the following.
$ git clone
$ cd openil
# checkout to the 201808 v1.3 release
$ git checkout OpenIL-201808 -b OpenIL-201808
Please build the project as the following
$ cd openil
$ make nxp_ls1021atsn_defconfig
$ make
The make command generally performs the following steps:
Downloads source files (as required and at the first instance);
Configures, builds, and installs the cross-compilation toolchain;
Configures, builds, and installs selected target packages;
Builds a kernel image, if selected;
Builds a bootloader image, if selected;
Creates a root filesystem in selected formats.
Please execute the following command to build xenomai separately.
$ make xenomai
The source code xenomai build folder will be deployed in openil/output/build/xenomai-OpenIL-Xenomai-<version>/
In fact, XENOMAI as already been enabled in rootfs in the default configuration, please refer to .config in openil folder.