Content originally posted in LPCWare by js-nxp on Mon Jun 24 16:12:11 MST 2013
Thank you.
- you have not correctly separated LPC-Link
All 8 tracks have been measured and there is no connections between one board and the other.
- you have not correctly wired up SWD from LPC-Link to the target
That's possible, the first attempt had only 2 wires and GND as above but not reset. However it is currently connected with the 10 way ribbon between J5 of the LPC link and J1 of the mini board, should this not result in a correct wiring?
- the target is in one of the CRP modes
Haha no idea what that means... :) but we did have a super moon yesterday, it makes people do crazy things (like trying to use the LPC800) so it may affect the chip too....:D
- the target is not powered
There is power on the target via a 2nd USB connector
- the target is being held in reset
There is nothing else on the board.
However the LED is on the SWDIO/TMS pin, maybe the LPC link can't drive the load. I'll remove the resistor to free the pin and use a resistor in series with a jumper pin so that it can be restored.[FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]