Content originally posted in LPCWare by renan on Thu Jun 24 04:25:41 MST 2010
Quote: CodeRedSupport
It is simply transient and has to be recreated each time you power the board up.
That's why I sad 'fake', but it was a bad choice of word. Transient is a better choice.
But in fact it is quite possible to create multiple files and directories there. It is just if you do, then the bootloader may well not boot the image you want it to - as it assumes that the boot image is located at the start of the user flash (at 64KB).
Assuming that the boot image is located [B]always[/B] at the start at the user flash, why it might not boot the image I want?
The only difference is that the boot image size I'm trying to create is diferent, in other words, the boot image starts at the same location, but it ends in another.