Use of JTAG with 'LPC-Link-II CMSIS-DAP' is not currently supported

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Use of JTAG with 'LPC-Link-II CMSIS-DAP' is not currently supported

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by floreste on Wed Jun 18 04:07:40 MST 2014
I am having some troubles using your debug probe and your IDE to evaluate a board, and I would like some help regarding my troubles.
I am using the LPC433x-Xplorer (that works well regarding to the quick start guide whose steps I have checked) and my troubles are with the LPC-Link 2 debug probe. I have read that it was quite easy to handle (plug and play) when used with the LPCXpresso IDE. I am new to this software too, and may have wrongly configured it.
So when I launch the Debug ‘LPC4330_Xplorer_Blinky’ [Debug] from the quickstartup menu, I get this error (cf screenshot). 
I have tried to install the drivers for the debug probe several times manually, but it keeps coming as an HMI in the device manager (cf screenshot) is that normal? 
Finally, I have tried to run the DFU programmer to boot the debug probe, but it did not work better, and normally I should not use this software with LPCXpresso IDE.

So, I hope you can help me, I’m looking forward for your answer


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3 Replies

Contributor IV


This is my first time in JTAG on a custom board! so what are the main points to keep in mind while debugging through JTAG, and how can i do it on LPC1517 custom board via LPCXpresso IDE?

Is it like normal debugging?

I checked the 'RUN CONFIGURATION' to change SWD to JTAG, but there was no JTAG option in drop down menu! How can I make the Debugging via JTAG?

Thanks in advance

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Senior Contributor V

LPC15xx does not have JTAG (for debugging) - it has SWD instead, which is superior to JTAG (faster, more features etc). Yes it is like 'normal debugging'.

Suggest you read the User Manual section on debugging in the MCUXpresso documentation, where this describes how to use the debugger.

p.s. suggest you use MCUXpresso, which replaced LPCXpresso a couple of years ago.

NXP Employee
NXP Employee
Content originally posted in LPCWare by lpcxpresso-support on Wed Jun 18 05:40:12 MST 2014
For use with LPCXpresso IDE, we recommend configuring your LPC-Link2 in 'redlink' mode (unplug the USB cable from the LPC-Link2, remove the jumper on JP1, then plug back into USB). LPCXpresso should then autoload the required 'redlink' firmware when you make the first debug connection.

Note that LPC-Link2 will have been supplied with no jumper fitted (and without CMSIS-DAP firmware programmed in), so out of the box it will just work with LPCXpresso.

For more information see the LPCxpresso FAQs, starting with:

And please ensure that you have also read the LPCXpresso User Guide supplied in the product (Help->LPCXpresso Guide).

LPCXpresso Support
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