Content originally posted in LPCWare by S Kojima on Wed Apr 27 01:33:51 MST 2016
Dear fellows,
I'm doing prototyping for LPC81x by using LPC824MAX.
In one of my recent projects, I'm going to use TXDIDLE interrput report.
Is that bit missing( Was not implemented in slicon) in LPC81x serise ?
As far as LPCOpen's uart_8xx.h, UART_STAT_TXIDLE is not a part of conditional comlilation that distinguish LPC824 from LPC81x.
I'm going to use TXIDLE to confirm that the last Tx'ed byte has REALLY been transferred and the time needed for that transfer has been REALLY elapsed.
If TXDIDLE is not implemented in LPC81x, is ther any reasonable alternative ways to know the time consumed ?
Employing another timer (such as SCT or SysTick) will NOT be a solution to me. Those ones are all occupied.